Founded in 2005 by Alan Vickery, Rock on Ground’s first commission was a Rio Tinto project located at Hope Downs.
The initial focus: providing specialised close to infrastructure blasting, with the blasthole drilling to be sub-contracted.
The company grew quickly as the civil work increased with the major iron ore expansions by Rio Tinto, BHP, FMG and then Roy Hill. In 2010 ROG move into providing drill and blast services for mining contracts and secured its first gold mining contract with Saracen Gold Mines at Carosue Dam.
Thanks to continued growth and expansion, the company today boasts a mixed fleet of top hammer, DTH hammer and RC grade control drill rigs, with 24 drill rigs in the fleet. The company also runs its own fleet of IEE Bulk Explosive trucks and provides dedicated on-site bulk explosive storage facilities.
To be the leading Control Blast Specialist.
We will maintain a sustainable business by providing our clients with a safe and cost effective blasting solution through our high quality standards and technical expertise.

- We will provide a safe working environment for all
- We will all work towards minimising our impact on the environment

- We will build and maintain open and honest relationships
- We believe the more we know about our role the better we can contribute

- We will be adaptable and flexible in an ever changing work environment
- We will embrace change and continual improvement

- We will all work together to achieve our goals
- We will all contribute towards an enjoyable and rewarding work environment

- We will achieve the same high standards in everything we do
- We believe everyone is entitled to a fair-go in achieving these standards

- We will provide strong leadership and guidance to our teams
- We will be accountable for our actions

BSAFE2ZERO is our safety program developed to make employees aware of their safety at work, in camp and at home.

We must all be committed to the vision of ZERO injuries, damage and incidents, and the belief that this can be achieved EVERY DAY.
This program was developed to encourage everyone to be pro-active about safety in every aspect of life, thereby making safety a “state of mind”.
The aim is to concentrate all efforts on being SAFE for today. If we do this, then every day can be a SAFE day, and we will achieve our target of zero injuries, damage and incidents.
To achieve ZERO every day we will use the following three key elements that make up our BSAFE2ZERO System.
Our Responsibilities
These are the commitments we will all make to achieve ZERO every day.
Our Systems
These are the processes Rock on Ground provides to achieve ZERO every day.
These are the steps to follow when completing a task so you can achieve ZERO every day.
The initial focus: providing specialised close to infrastructure blasting, with the blasthole drilling to be sub-contracted.
The company grew quickly as the civil work increased with the major iron ore expansions by Rio Tinto, BHP, FMG and then Roy Hill. In 2010 ROG move into providing drill and blast services for mining contracts and secured its first gold mining contract with Saracen Gold Mines at Carosue Dam.
Thanks to continued growth and expansion, the company today boasts a mixed fleet of top hammer, DTH hammer and RC grade control drill rigs, with 24 drill rigs in the fleet. The company also runs its own fleet of IEE Bulk Explosive trucks and provides dedicated on-site bulk explosive storage facilities.